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Thursday, April 24, 2008

oBOZition rally on such a day! Shame on them!

Some Armenians went to an opposition rally today, against i don't understand what.... They were shouting I dont understand what and why... and I really dont get how could an rmenian person go to an opposition (oBOZition better to say!!!) rally on this day??????!
Hey dears, common, go rest a while, think, and then do whatever you are doing!

Such a shame to be an Armenian when I see what other Armenians are doing here!
I hope those rally-dudes never get what they wanted! I am pretty sure they anyway will not get anything good after all...:) shame

in addition wanna quote another bloger with a very actual slogan:
"Himar, Himar, Himar!!!"


Armen Filadelfiatsi said...
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Anonymous said...

to think?:-))) hey man, it's too difficult for zombies:-)


Thyme Travel said...

hmm, unfortunately yes, that's why that crowd is so easily getting out of control of its own "leaders" and starts making shit all around...
That's a very dangerous tendency of the new Armenian reality. Some kind of Zombie-Zoo. Disgusting.

Anonymous said...

you're against the oppostion, fair enough. but i don't understand what you are For. this is a genuine question. What are you for?

Thyme Travel said...

I am for thinking, understanding, acting...and that doesn't require being in a rush. many of the oBOZitioners say "this was our last chance!!!!!" or "this is the last chance!!".... why to rush?? it is always easy to destroy whatever you have... I think they should just shut up, and let others do changes, even if slow..

Anonymous said...

Mr. Anonymous, though I donno whom you support, but you should ask the same question the representatives of the opposition... do you really think they know what they are fighting for?! we are not just against, but they're! justice? hey,common! if what they call justice comes with Mr. Te-Petrosyan&Co, I'll prefer to live in this 'universal injustice and monarchy'... shame...

Thyme Travel said...

dear Galstyan:)
I appreciate your comments, and I hope our respected anonimous will think over them.
To be honest, I am done discussing politics on my blog, people in Armenia like to get offfended by FACTS and it also means there is no point to discuss something seriously. Shame, also shame..